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DIVERSITY BEST PRACTICES Page 6 DIVERSITY & INCLUSION IN THE HEALTHCARE INDUSTRY Aging population The number of individuals 80 and older is projected to triple between 2010 and 2050. The population 90 and older will quadruple. According to the Census Bureau, by 2030, one in five Americans will be 65 or older. As patients get older they require. At San Diego State University, administering programs for foreign businessmen and students. She was also consultant for the Managing Diversity training video, produced by CRM Films. She taught American Culture to professors at the Beijing Institute of Technology, Peoples’ Republic of China, was a senior lecturer and consultant on a five-month.

Promoting Positive Change

We believe that UH has a responsibility to promote positive change in the community by serving as a model environment for cultural diversity and inclusion. Our goal is to provide quality health care, improve access to health care and to provide education as a way to help eliminate health care disparities. Our strategy for addressing disparities in northeast Ohio is comprised of three principles – community outreach, recruitment and supplier diversity. Each is connected to the other, and each contributes to improving the quality of health care we are able to provide to our region.

University Hospitals Ranked No. 1 Hospital System by Diversity Inc

For the second year in a row, DiversityInc has ranked University Hospitals No. 1 on its 2014 Hospital and Health Systems Specialty List. This specialty list ranks the top 10 hospitals and health systems for diversity in the U.S.

UH previously ranked No. 1 on the specialty list in 2013, and was prominently featured in the Fall 2013 issue of DiversityInc Magazine for our commitment to diversity and inclusion as an anchor institution in the community. The articles showcase our many contributions to Cleveland’s minority business development and our dedication to furthering education opportunities and training for meaningful jobs. They also highlight our efforts to encourage home buying in support of the diverse neighborhoods that surround University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center. In addition, UH is mentioned for our Women, Neonates, Diversity, Opportunities, Outreach and Research (WONDOOR) program, through which future health care providers work to reduce women and child morbidity and mortality rates here and abroad.


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Nurse Leader Insider, March 25, 2005

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Dr. Stevens treats both Mr. Smith, a white patient, and Mr. Williams, an African-American patient, for heart conditions. However, Dr. Stevens suggests additional drugs and follow-up specialty care for Mr. Smith, while Mr. Williams is sent home with only a prescription.

To ensure that such disparities do not occur within your organization, identify where it stands on the issue of cultural diversity and train staff to be culturally competent caregivers.

Hospitals are slowly changing their policies and procedures-which inevitably affect staff training programs-to address cultural diversity issues, says Felicia Batts, MPH, principal of her firm, Consulting By Design in Fresno, CA . However, organizations still have a long way to go, she says.

'You can be a culturally competent individual, but if you work in a hospital where cultural competency is not fully embraced as a business fundamental, then what are you to do?' says Batts.

On the right track
Some hospitals are getting it right. For example, the staff at A.O. Fox Memorial Hospital in Oneonta , NY, receive ongoing diversity training, says Wendy L. Fisher, RN, BS, the hospital's patient education coordinator.

'We began our [diversity training] program with a live, institution-wide training session which every employee was required to attend, including doctors,' says Fisher.

Go team
The session was run by Fox Memorial's cultural diversity team, which was made up of a number of key players, including the director of education, an education assistant, and staff from the nursing home education department, communications, business office, and medical records.

The team was responsible for researching the issues related to cultural diversity and preparing important information to share with staff, such as statistical data explaining the demographics of populations in surrounding counties. (Fisher did this by using the U.S. Census Bureau's Web site.)

In its quest to further understand cultural diversity, the team also booked a representative from a state agency to talk about the topic and provide training tips, says Fisher.

It's training time
After gathering enough information to showcase what they learned, members of the cultural diversity team introduced themselves to the organization via a monthly newsletter, Fisher says.

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The team used the first issue to explain what it was and its purpose. The following issues included quizzes and interesting statistics about diverse local and world populations, as well as ethnic recipes, to spotlight and celebrate diversity.

The team then created a PowerPoint presentation that covered, among other topics, the definition of cultural diversity and the values and communication styles of various cultures. The presentation was shown to staff during the live training sessions at the cultural diversity training program's kick off, says Fisher.

Now the presentation is shown to new hires as part of mandatory education during orientation, Fisher says. It was also added to the organization's mandatory education book, on which all staff are tested annually.


Another way Fisher and her team got every nurse, doctor, and staff member up to speed on diversity training was by holding hour-long, mandatory sessions. They were run for several months to ensure that everyone attended.

During these sessions-which are now performed for new hires during orientation-a member of the cultural diversity team briefly lectures about diversity and the importance of cultural sensitivity. Then he or she acts out real-life scenarios in which people were discriminated against in the hospital.

'We give these scenarios [to staff] and then ask, 'If you were in this situation, how would you handle it?' We do this to help them use their [critical thinking] skills,' says Fisher.

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Nursing-specific cultural competencies
Fisher specifically targeted nurses' cultural competencies by handing out self-learning packets with accompanying quizzes.

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For example, Fisher compiled a packet to teach nurses how to honor and respect members of different cultures who live in the surrounding areas. The packets educate nurses about how to best serve the diverse patient populations that are most likely to walk through the door every day, says Fisher.

Source: Adapted from Competency Management Advisor (March 2005), published by HCPro, Inc.


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