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- Classroom Notesolms Ai Ci Programs
- Classroom Notesolms Ai Ci Program Student
- Classroom Notesolms Ai Ci Programming
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Program Track Director Q&A Sessions
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Classroom Notesolms Ai Ci Programs
Is the MMSCI a Residential or Online Program?
For the academic year 2021-2022, the MMSCI program is being planned as a residential program (both the Translational Investigation and Clinical Investigation tracks). The learning model will utilize a mix of in-person and online teaching methods. The main component of MMSCI is the mentored research experience and is required to be residential. Students with extenuating circumstances precluding their ability to be present in Boston may petition the program leadership for an exemption to the residential requirement. These cases will be reviewed on an individual basis.
On November 4, 2020, in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, Harvard University approved a residency waiver for students for the academic year (AY) 2021-2022who are unable to travel to Boston. This waiver is only for 1 year. Prior to the program start date, students who are unable to come to Boston are required to petition program leadership seeking an exemption. Please note that all plans are subject to change, following University and Governmental policies and guidance.
Can you provide examples that would qualify for the residency waiver?
Students with extenuating circumstances precluding their ability to be present in Boston are required to petition program leadership for an exemption. Some examples of exemptions include:
- Inability to travel because of government mandates or local travel restrictions.
- Inability to travel or obtain a visa because of public health restrictions, either locally in your country or in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
- COVID-19 related underlying health issues for the student and/or dependent family members.
What is the weekly time commitment of this degree program?
All students are expected to attend all lectures in each course, whether they are delivered by in-person or online teaching methods. One can expect to spend an average of 30 – 40 hours per week engaged with coursework and the mentored research experience.
- A two-year intensive, mentored research experience at a Harvard-affiliated laboratory in Boston
- Leading clinical and translational research faculty from Harvard Medical School, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and laboratories from Harvard-affiliated organizations
- Fully integrated curriculum designed specifically for MMSCI students
- Contemporary pedagogical approaches such as “flipped classroom” methods, team-based learning and development of critical thinking skills
- Specialized tracks and pathways for individualized learning
- A biostatistician will be assigned to each student. They will help the student to download, clean and prepare datasets for analysis; help with analysis and interpretation of data.
Specialized Tracks and Pathways for Individualized Learning
To complement individual learning and development, the program provides students the choice of a Clinical Investigation (CI) or a Translational Investigation (TI) track and places a core emphasis on practical skills and team-based approaches in each track’s training. Additionally, the CI track offers a choice of comparative research pathway or a clinical trials pathway for individualized learning.
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While the University of Toronto takes the position that it is the student’s responsibility to know the Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters and understand what constitutes an academic offence, instructors have a role to play in educating their students about the principles of academic integrity, to direct them to the appropriate resources and supports, and to play a role in preventing AI cases. We recommend taking a student-centred and supportive approach while addressing the AI topic. We recommend clearly setting your expectations for students so that they understand their role in adhering to the Code. For courses in Quercus, every course shell includes a set of menu options on the right-hand side, including U of T information about Academic Integrity.
Please consult Appendix 1 for sample U of T Academic Integrity Statements to include in your online quizzes and assignments.
- Setting the tone is important, just as it is on the first day of a face-to-face course.
- Students look for you to provide direction, provide feedback and encouragement, and guide them on their course journey.
- Students arrive in their courses with differing AI experiences. Perhaps they are students who have not yet written an essay in their time at U of T or are international students whose previous educational experiences included different assessment procedures and processes. Each instructor has varied approaches to AI and students should be informed early in the course what these expectations entail.
- Frequent, low-stakes assessment methods can be very helpful in addressing student stress and possible temptation to violate the AI Code.
Classroom Notesolms Ai Ci Program Student
Try this:
- Introduce AI early and often in your course.
- Clearly convey that you are available to discuss AI at any time during the course.
- Check with your Division for requirements on what to include in your course documents regarding AI (e.g., syllabus).
- Guide your students through the AI section in your Quercus course and highlight key sections in the AI Code – use live or recorded formats.
- Share definitions and examples of AI terms such as plagiarism, paraphrase, summarize, editing and proofreading for written assignments, and definitions/examples to illustrate what is considered cheating in collaborative work or in test/exam scenarios. For written assignments in particular, communicate with your class about the meaning of citations and why they are made. Allow students to ask clarification questions through online discussions. Find helpful resources on the U of T AI site.
- Review the Turnitin conditions of use posted in all Quercus courses (right side menu). If you are using Turnitin, you must notify your students in your course syllabus.
- Embed library and writing centre support in your Quercus course. Stress the importance of using these research and writing supports to build their confidence in these skills. Focus on the learning aspect.
- Ensure you discuss AI with your Teaching Assistants and their role in educating and adhering to the Code in their tutorials, labs and grading processes. Explain and discuss with your TAs your course policies around violations of academic integrity.
How to:
Classroom Notesolms Ai Ci Programming
- Create an AI page in your Quercus course and place it in a prominent location (e.g., home page). View an example of an AI Page in a sample course template for Quercus.
- Integrate AI discussions throughout your course. For ideas on how to inform, prepare and discuss AI topics with your students please read Classroom Strategies: Talking about academic integrity.