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Welcome to the Ingram CPA Exam Review. We have been turning CPA Candidates into Certified Public Accountants for more than 30 years with our proven live-instruction review course. Now, as the CPA exam is changing in content and format, we are moving our course online to offer more flexibility for our candidates. The Ingram online learning and exam preparation course will be ready to help you pass when the new exam begins next year in April 2017.


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For candidates who want to start now before the 2017 exam changes take effect, we continue to offer CPA exam preparation with our Home-Study program. Home-Study is an effective method for learning the topics tested in all 4 exam sections using Ingram CPA Review Lecture Notes, high quality audio of our complete live-instruction classes, and the Wiley CPA Exam Review textbooks and optional Test Bank software. Working through the Lecture Notes while listening to our live class brings you into the classroom learning environment and is a very efficient way to learn the vast array of topics which are tested.

For more information about Home-Study exam preparation, please contact Mark Ingram at

Welcome to Ingram School of Dance

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Located in the historic “Old Orange” district in Orange, Texas, Ingram School of Dance has educated generations of dancers. Established in 1933, our dance school is one of the oldest in Texas, and the oldest still in operation in the Golden Triangle, and the oldest period in Orange.

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Here, you can view photos of our students and staff, catch up on the latest news at Ingram, and look up all kinds of studio information.

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